Campaign #
Bill C-63

Bill C-63 Canada Summer Jobs

You can affect change. Stand up for your religious freedom now.

What's Happening in Alberta

The government has introduced new rules to businesses applying for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Many faith based organizations like churches and summer camps rely on this money to hire students for the summer.

Now if they want funding, they must "check a box" that states the beliefs of the organization align with the government's views on "access to abortion".

Why it Matters

Many faith-based businesses refused to check the box and have not received funding this year. This is a violation of our constitutional right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression. But it's even more than that... it's violating our freedom of thought and opinion. The government wants to influence our beliefs against our will. If we stand on the sidelines and do nothing, we're going to see more challenges like this in the future.

Miracle Channel has committed $10,000 for legal fees as we join other faith groups to fight this decision in the Supreme Court. We're also spending thousands more to raise awareness on air and through mail.

What can you do?

Galatians 5:1 says "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."

PRAY for our leaders to make wise decisions that protect all students, and for this case to have favour in court. 1 Timothy 2:1 says, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them."

SHARE this issue with everyone you know! The more people learn about this issue, the greater impact we will have.

GIVE to support this cause and other Miracle Channel initiatives. Click here to donate.

ACT by emailing your MP's and other lawmakers. Enter your name and location into the form on this page. When you press "enter", our email browser will automatically open and you can send our generated content to a long list of government officials.

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Become a Miracle Channel Freedom Fighter!

God has given us a unique platform to share our voice and we feel called to bring attention to this issue. However, it takes time and money to do our part. Join our fight today by financially supporting this cause and other initiatives.

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